Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Alternatives For Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Anxiety disorder has been plaguing America for quite some time now. It became so severe that people were shocked to know that it is the number one health concern in the country. About 3% of the total adult populations in the country are affected by it. This percentage may sound small and irrelevant but get this, 3% is equal to 4 million individuals. Yes, that is how many people anxiety or panic disorder has affected today. Can you still say that 3% is small when it involves 4 million? There is no doubt, it is huge.

There are many forms of anxiety disorder. Naming some, we have the generalized anxiety disorder of GAD, the obsessive compulsive disorder, or the loathsome panic disorder. These are just three of the many anxiety disorders known to man.

There are different symptoms for this type of disorders. Some are very simple and some are more complicated. Simple symptoms can go like worrying that is so frequent to be not normal anymore. At times, it can also go so complicated like the one you feel when you have a heart attack; the racing heart sensation. A person has to make sure that what he feels is of panic disorder because it could blend in with the daily routine or it could mimic that of a more dangerous disease.

A lot of people who are found to have this disease often commit a mistake of thinking that there is no treatment to it. They do not know that there is at least one anxiety disorder treatment that will work for them and help them get rid of this disorder. With that said, one could ask "what are my options for treating this type of panic disorder?" knowing that there are more than one treatment for this illness.

Let us discuss three options for panic disorder treatment here:

First is the natural way. This way involves changing your daily routine and changing your eating habit. You have to add some exercise with your daily routine. Be constant with your exercise and couple this with healthy food. You can maximize the effect of this natural way of treatment by minimizing the intake of harmful substances like tobacco or alcohol. Best of all; eliminate substances known to give us harm than benefit.

Another option for a treatment is through counseling. There are experts in the field who can talk to you about your disorder. We know how powerful the mind works and these experts can help us alter the way we think. Altering the way we think can also alter the things we feel. This is why counseling can help sufferers of anxiety disorders.

Last of the disorder treatment for anxiety in this article is with the help of medicines. If talking or counseling can help you with your mind, medicines can help you with your brain. Most of the medicines that can help the anxiety or panic disorder are anti depressant. What they do is they balance the neurotransmitters in the brain which are responsible to the way we feel. You should not try doing self medication. Always consult a physician with the medicine that you must take.

Of course, there are other options for anxiety disorder. Find the best that will suit you and you will soon say bye to it.

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