Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Fruit - Jesus Christ Requires All Our First Fruits

The first of everything is for the Lord Jesus. According to Deuteronomy chapter eighteen verses one to five ( Deut., 18:1-5) the children of Israel (Israel) takes care of the Levites, God's priests. One of the ways the nation of Israel achieve this is by presenting the priest with his "due". In part, the "priest's due" consists of the "shoulder," the two "cheeks" and the "maw" of the sacrifice that all the tribes of Israel offer to God.

Secondly, "the first fruit" also constitutes the "priest's due". This include the first fruit of the "fleece" from their sheep, first fruit of their "wine", and "oil".

Finally, the principles of Israel caring for the Levites is similar to the present day church caring for its Pastor. The Lord Jesus institutes this principle so the "man of God" can focus on the Word of God and prayer instead of working to earn an income. Jesus Christ requires all our first fruits.

In our contemporary congregation there is no sacrifice of animals. The sacrifices are "a broken and contrite heart", that is we repent of our sins and surrender our will to Jesus Christ and praise Him with our lips. Not our will, but His Will be done. The first fruit for us may be a bit different from Israel then. In part, first fruit, for us represents each remuneration (pay) or profit or increase that we receive or earn. This is why we give financial offerings and tithe. Our financial giving represents taking care of the "Levites" our Pastor. This is given to the church but in effect we are giving it to God because He commands that we do so. The Lord, Jesus Christ requires all our first fruits. Are you obeying the Lord's command in this area of you Christian life? If not, start today.

The Lord Jesus Christ requires all our first fruits. He wants the first fruit of our time, income, cattle (if we have any), wine, oil, and son. Give all your first fruit to Jesus. Give the first fruit of your time, the first thing you do when you awake each day is to pray and praise and worship Jesus Christ. The first thing you do when you receive new money is to remove your tithe and offering. The first fruit of wine or oil we can literally present (if we have it) to the Pastor, the priest or Levite. This could be anything that we receive or possess that we share with him. Remember the lifestyle of Israel then, is totally different from ours now. So the principle is to share with your Pastor the things God has blessed you with. The first fruit of "your womb" if it is male, give him to Jesus. Dedicate him to God. See Exodus 13:12; 34:19; Numbers 3:12; 18:15. However, let the Elders and the man of God lay hands on all you children(soon after birth) and bless them. "And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them." Mark 10:16.

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