Tuesday, December 21, 2010

'Telectroscope' Allows View Across the Atlantic

Technology'Telectroscope' Allows View Across the Atlantic'Telectroscope' Allows View Across the AtlanticThe Associated PressA transatlantic portal has opened in New York and London - not a means of transportation, but an art project that links the two cities in real time via fibre optic imaging. (May 23)[Notes:ANCHOR VOICE] London seemed just a stone's throw away for people visiting the Brooklyn Bridge on its 125th Anniversary. And Londoners near the Tower Bridge, well, they could see a tree grow in Brooklyn, all thanks to a visionary artist and two "telectroscopes." The "telectroscopes" - one set up on each side of the "pond" - allow people to see and communicate with their counterparts in real time via fibre optic imaging. [Notes:Andy Slater, British citizen working in New York:]"IT WAS FANTASTIC HAVING A PROPER WINDOW ON ENGLAND, THAT'S SORT OF FAMILIAR. HAVING A POCKET OF SOMETHING FAMILIAR HERE, JUST BY NEW YORK AND I CAN TURN AND LOOK AT ONE SKYLINE AND LOOK AT THE OTHER. IT'S NICE TO SEE THE TWO TOGETHER LIKE THAT."Paul St George devised the art display because of his fascinations with illusion and reality, optical effect and perception. Peter Kohlmann, who helped set up the exhibit, reveled in its simplicity. [Notes:Peter Kohlmann, Telectroscope producer:]"WE HAVE ALL THIS TECHNOLOGY. PEOPLE ARE STILL AMAZED TO SEE ONE ANOTHER JUST STANDING THERE LOOKING THROUGH THIS DEVICE. AND THEY ARE EXCITED AND HOLD UP LITTLE SIGNS TO COMMUNICATE, THERE'S NO AUDIO. THEY ...


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