Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Brooklyn New York - Pros and Cons of Living in the City

Brooklyn is one of the most famous cities in the five boroughs of New York. Second to Manhattan most would say it is one of the most well known. Living in Brooklyn is an interesting experience for many people. The city represents many things for many people. Brooklyn is a unique city. It is one that is full of culture and diversity. Wherever you go you are bound to see people of different races and ethnicities. There are a lot of pros and cons to living in Brooklyn.

Pros of living in Brooklyn

One of the pros to living in Brooklyn and any of the five boroughs for the matter is transportation. If you don't have a car transportation is abundant in this city. You can pretty much get to anywhere in the city by hopping on a bus or a train. You can even opt to take a taxi. This is very convenient for those who don't have a car. Unlike smaller cities, depending on the area a bus or train will come every 10 to fifteen minutes or so. Although time consuming to have to wait for public transportation, some say it is worth it. Compared to having a car it is more cost efficient. You can purchase an unlimited metro pass to take the buses and trains anywhere in the five boroughs of new york for less than $100 dollars. Some may think this is a lot. But when you compare it to the cost of fuel for your on vehicle it is not. Not only that but the cost of insuring a vehicle in New York is astronomical. For a older driver with a good driving record the cheapest you can get insurance for is maybe around $150 a month. For younger drivers insurance cost typically start at $300 plus a month. So if cost is what is important then public transportation is definitely the way to go. You'll get to where you need to go for a fraction of the price.

Cons of Living in Brooklyn

One of the cons to living in Brooklyn is definitely the crime. It is a big city and violent crimes are unfortunately inevitable. For the most part the really bad stuff happens at night and in certain areas. But in all honesty no one and no area is immune to violence. Another con if you are coming from a smaller city or state is that the people are not very friendly. Sure every once in a blue moon someone will smile or say hi walking down the street but for the most part everyone really just keeps to themselves and minds there business.

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